Chinese Dragon
At our day nursery in Liverpool we have made a Chinese dragon. This is to highlight the start of the Chinese new year festival! the first new moon of the new year shows the date for Chinese new year. The children will use the dragon and try various Chinese food and dance. This year it is the year of the horse.
Tagged: child care in Liverpool ,
childwall ,
chinese ,
chinese new year ,
day nursery in Liverpool ,
dragon ,
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Free Grant Places in Liverpool ,
horse ,
L25 ,
At our Liverpool day nursery we have two children in pre-school who have French as their first language. One of our parents has kindly offered to
We have been selling cakes and wearing out pyjamas to raise money for children in need. We have raised £140!
We provide three meals per day for children who are with us for a full day at our Liverpool Day Nursery. Children who attend the